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About this work


Theme:The urban transformation of Kiruna


In our piont of view, as teachers, there are too many children and young people who are not engaged in the urban transformation of Kiruna. The main idea of this thematic study is to get our pupils more interested and skilled about the urban transformation. Hopefully, the pupils´ opinions about the new Kiruna will be useful for the politicians in their coming work with the urban transformation of Kiruna.


Our pupils are going to work in small groups where each group will be specialised in a specific field like sparetime and culture, helth care, care for the elderly, education, transports, industry and commerce, energy issues e.t.c


In this study, pupils will do a research about how the society works out today and also give peoples´visions of how the new Kiruna will develope in the future.


 Pupils work , short stories about the urban transformation of Kiruna




   A taste of loneliness

The urban transformation of Kiruna

The day in the mine.

The story about the miner

Even the gratest can fall

He just followed his dream

To my only child

The miner

Anna and Johann

The newcomer

The unforgettable trip

A Novel

A New Future


Luis and Noah

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